No. 12
Essays and Studies
The Dance of Truth
The Editors
Presenting the Gospel in a Postmodern World
The Dance of Truth
Don Hudson
Postmodernism and the Evangelical
Reading the Bible Postmodernly
Tremper Longman III
Reading the Bible Postmodernly
Thunder at the Torrent
Carl Raschke
A Postmodern Theological Reading of the Book of Judges
Hearing the Voice of the Other
Heather Webb
Leadership in a Postmodern World
Denny Gunderson
All Beginnings are Hard
Tim Muehlhoff
Racial Reconciliation and Postmodern Epistemology
Power, Knowledge, and the Hermeneutics of Selfhood
Steven J.
Postmodern Wisdom for Christian Therapists
Let Be Be Finale of Seem
Randall Smith
Postmodern Postings on the Christian Condition
Speaking to Be Heard
Michelle Cuthbertson
French Surrealism, Paul Eluard, and Postmodern Discourse
Jean-Luc Marion and the Possibility of a Postmodern
J.A. Hanson
Reminders of God
The Writing Life
Sonya Chung Miyamura
The Christmas Troll
Eugene H. Peterson
“Quid Pro Quo”
Paul Mariani
Paul Willis
Mary Cornish
“Dead Saints”
James Zingarelli
“Adam and Eve”
Daniel Plate
“Not Writing”
Kate Knapp Johnson
“The Master Diaries”
Bryan D. Dietrich
Views and Reviews
Reviews: Imagination, Brian Wilson
Douglas Thorpe
Turning Point, David Wilcox
Douglas Thorpe
Music Also Reviewed
Douglas Thorpe
The Art of Family: Rituals, Imagination, and Everyday Spirituality, Gina Bria
David W. Frauenfelder
The Vision of the Fool and Other Writings, Cecil Collins
Joseph A. Gomez
Sculpting in Time: Reflections on the Cinema, Andrey Tarkovsky
David W. Frauenfelder
Who Killed Homer?, Hanson and Heath
David W. Frauenfelder
Books Also Reviewed
Sheryl Cornett
Essay: The Soldier and the “Saint”
Sheryl Cornett
Reviews: New Waves of Courage
Scott Sawyer
Films Also Reviewed
Sheryl Cornett
Timeless graffiti from the broad canvas.
Compiled by James Vescovi
In Memoriam: Bruce Ramsay
Scott and Joy Sawyer
Mars Hill Contributors